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Famous Court Case problem Specialist Astrologer in australia

Court Case problem Specialist Astrologer in Australia

Court cases or cases are the results of 2 factors and these 2 factors alone account for nearly 99% of court cases. First of all, if you are tilted or trapped in prejudice, greed and unrealistic aspirations due to a low or uncontrolled Jupiter. Get more from the Vinayaka Astrologer. These feelings have prompted the native to engage in court cases or cases. Second, the weak planetary conditions in the horoscope cause one person to succumb to the influences and deliberate malafide desires of the other. 

This triggers the native to court cases and other litigation situations. My experience here is that the first cause usually dominates the causes of court cases. Any other reasons that lead to such a threat are exceptions. In astrology for court cases in general, we learn about solutions to court cases, but I believe in our own karma corrections.